eN-Education for kids
The foundation and the future of any society, any nation, is the kids. When kids are taught the right principles of and the right perspective to life, it directly results in disappearance of crimes and a clear conscious move towards fulfillment and prosperity.
It is with this vision for the individual and the world as a whole that Nithyananda Mission runs this unique service of ‘eN-Education’ or enlightening education for kids.
It is a unique holistic education to kids of all levels from grade 1 to 10. The students receive the best of modern Western education and ancient Eastern wisdom in a seamless and effortless, playful way. The education is provided in a friendly, encouraging ambience under the loving compassionate guidance of living enlightened Master ParamahamsaNithyananda.
The emphasis is not on rote learning or academics only or extra-curricular education only but it is a well-balanced and time tested system integrating the child in body, mind and spirit, causing balanced development of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
kids are encouraged to explore life and its whys and they are supported in unraveling the mysteries and miracles of life, be it of science or math or arts or sports or self-discovery. The teachers are more facilitators and guides rather than imposing teachers.
This simply shows in the nature and attitude of kids as they grow naturally with self-confidence, sensitivity, all-inclusiveness, realizing and expressing their uniqueness rather than being caught in competition and violence.
This nurturing ambience is available for all kids, irrespective of their social or economic strata. To enable this, funds are raised to support the deserving but economically challenged families’ kids. These powerful life solutions are provided as complete education in a few schools called ‘gurukul’ while the life skills education is provided in thousands of schools called ‘Vidyalayas’ as part time education throughout the world.
It is the powerful, promising schools like Gurukuls and Vidyalayas that hold the possibility of an enlightened humanity going into new frontiers.