Holistic practical education services for one and all from kids to youth to the elderly through universities, gurukuls, libraries, publications, videos, scholarships.
In today’s Internet age, knowledge can be shared at the speed of light in multimedia. The powerful timeless truths and sacred secrets can be reached out beyond the physical boundaries of space and time by leveraging modern technology. ParamahamsaNithyananda’s life-transforming talks are being broadcast by videoconferencing to various locations around the world and can be reached to many more locations worldwide thereby enriching more and more peoplein various parts of the world bringing to them life-transforming solutions right in their homes.
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Bidadi-562109, Karnataka India
"The purpose of life is to constantly enrich oneself and others, to cause others' reality, to experience the ultimate Truth of advaita (non-dual consciousness) that everyone and
everything is a part of you!"