Inner Awakening scholarships

Inner Awakening scholarships
Inner Awakening is a 21-day transformational program offered by Nithyananda Mission that works on all the fundamental dimensions of your life, allowing you to experience deep healing at the physical, mental and emotional levels.
This state of completion propels you to experiencing and expressing your innate powers leading to the peak health, wealth, relationships, success and fulfillment. A person getting the knowledge of how to live life blissfully, experiencing and expressing the peak of his or her innate potential, is the best gift that can be given to him and the most valuable contribution that can be done towards a peaceful, progressive society.
This unique program comprising meditation, yoga, kriyas, life solutions and spiritual initiations has produced mind-boggling results scientifically validated by independent studies by institutions worldwide. The kundalini energy (innate potential energy) awakened in the participant during the program is an unprecedented 1200% mitochondrial energy level increase. The genetic studies done indicate fundamental changes in genetic expressions to cause miraculous cures in even hereditary physical and mental ailments ranging from migraine to diabetes, from insomnia to arthritis. The program equips a person with all that is needed for his holistic growth and Self realization in a very practical way, specially designed for modern man and society.
Make an online donation
Sign up for ECS (Electronic Clearance Service) – Mail to [email protected]
Mail your cheque/DD payable to
to: Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli,
Off Mysore Road,
Bidadi-562109, Karnataka India
"The purpose of life is to constantly enrich oneself and others, to cause others' reality, to experience the ultimate Truth of advaita (non-dual consciousness) that everyone and everything is a part of you!"