The sangha or the ideological teamily (team+family!) comprises of:
- Sannyasis (male and female monks initiated into the sannyas order), brahmacharis and brahmacharinis (sannyasis under spiritual training)
- Grihasthas (families)
- Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars (traditional organizational structure of the Mahanirvani akhara of which Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the spiritual head)
- Ananda samajis (people supporting the sangha by giving 10% of monthly earnings per month)
- Satsangis (people supporting the sangha by hosting 2-way video conferencing worldwide of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s daily satsangs or discourses)
- Volunteers (people supporting the sangha by offering their time and talent for spreading the message of living advaita)